Thursday, May 28, 2009


Check out the new t-shirts and bracelets we'll have available at the Jackson Reclaimed Art Show June 4th 6:00 - 9:00.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Making Art @ Mission First

Kiddos at Mission First helped to paint seats for swings that will be created and available at the Jackson Reclaimed Art Show June 4th.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

More Artists

We are on a roll!  Check out all the fabulous artist who will be involved with the Jackson Reclaimed Art Show!

Tom  Beck Photography
May Benton
Ann Beard
Edith Boswell
Christina Cannon Photography
Kristi Christian
Loris Nejam Davis
Robby Followell Photography
Todd Garlington
Terri Harris
William Hawkins Pottery
Christy Henderson
Jenny Holloway
Poor Julia
Ellen Langford
Dot Lampton
Sarah McTaggart
Mike Millet
Rachel Busler Misenar
Tim Neese
Tay Morgan
Roz Roy
Simply Taylored
Jennifer Thomas
Kimberly Thigpen
Perry Sanderford Porch Swings
Beth Sartin
Cliff Speaks
Courtney Yancey

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Participating Artist

Things are warming up for Jackson Reclaimed!  We are getting more and more artists donating their work to the Silent Auction for the event June 4th.  To 'name' a few...

Mary Benton
Loris Nejam Davis
William Hawkins
Christy Henderson
Sarah McTaggart
Rachel Busler Misenar
Tay Morgan
Roz Roy
Beth Sartin
Cliff Speaks
Kimberly Thigpen
Courtney Yancey